Well Jake, You and your Nana have just spent 5 days together while your Mom and Dad went to the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas.
And we had the best time in the world!!!
I think that our favorite part was the sleeping in your new gigantic bunk beds together. It was so cozy, and we listened to Audio tapes of Billy Brown every night before we went to sleep.
On Friday, right after I picked you up from school, we went to see Happy Feet. As much as you liked the movie, I think that you enjoyed playing the new game that they had in the movie theater. There were lots of kids that played the game with you, and as I watched you interact with these other children, I couldn't get over how big you have gotten. You know how to be friendly with other children, and although sometimes you are a little shy...most of the time you are not. That is a great quality to have and one that has helped me in my lifetime. When I go into a group of new people, I smile, stick out my hand to shake someones hand and look at the challenge of meeting new people as a good one. Hopefully that will continue to rub off on you.
Saturday afternoon Poppy was coming to Hoboken to sleep over and be with us... but when we got up we went into New York City to meet cousin Debbie at the Childrens Museum. And boy did you love it there!!!
There was a clown from The Big Apple Circus who juggled and played with the kids. There was a whole floor of Bob The Builder activities, and we got a Bob The Builder lunchbox, pajamas and books to read. You loved lunch at Arties Deli where lots of the kids from the Museum were having early dinners. It was great having Debbie with us because she was having as much fun as you were.
When we got home, Poppy was waiting for us and that was great. I think that the 2 of you had good talks together, and Poppy did things with you that you liked to do.
Sunday morning we relaxed together because lunchtime we had places to go. We checked out a new coloring book store that opened. We used some of your own money to buy a toy for a poor child that did not have money to get a holiday present. I hope that you understood our conversation about helping others. As time goes by, I think that you knowing and appreciating the fact that not every child has it as good as you do, is very important. I tried to teach that to your Mommy and Uncle Scott and hopefully that understanding helped make them into the wonderful people that they are now.
As much as we gave to your Mommy and Uncle Scott...
they are not spoiled because they appreciated how hard we worked for what they were given, and they saw that other children did not have it so easy.
We stopped by the YMCA to check out joining, because Thursdays in the winter we are going to go swimming in their pool together. It's funny because I would not put on a bathing suit in front of lots of people, for anyone but my Jake. I love you so much and are so thrilled with the dynamic little boy you are. I would rather be with you that mostly anything else. You liked the pool and hopefully it will be a fun, active thing to do this season!
We went to a concert at The Museum right near your house and that rounded off an active and fun Sunday.
After I picked you up from school on Monday, we went straight to Starbucks which we enjoy so much. Miss Zuli the director of Beyond Basics, your school was there. SHE LOVES YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I could tell by the way she hugged you and kissed you. But I cannot imagine anyone not loving you, you are so special.
When we woke up on Tuesday morning, your Mom was home. She took the red eye and was in the house at 6AM. It was so terrific to be with someone we both love soo much. And when it came time for me to say goodbye to you, it felt like the days that I left your Mom in sleep-away camp. I went over to the side and cried my eyes out!
Jake, taking care of you was pure joy for me. You are a good boy who can be reasoned with. When I want you to understand something, i sit down on the floor and look straight into your eyes and speak with you.
I love you and look forward to a lifetime of being with Jake! Thanks for my 5 days in heaven!!!