Sunday, December 24, 2006

I Miss You Already!!!

It's the time of the year when Christmas and New Year's come, and I know that you are off on a plane to Florida.

Usually we have a chance to have a wonderful Chanukah together...and this year was the best. We celebrated at my house with all the traditional favorites-latkes, brisket, loads of presents, menorahs, dreidels and stories and songs. Then I stayed over the night before your school Holiday Breakfast, and sleep-overs are now becoming our new favorite thing. Your Mom reads us stories and we listen to audio books before we fall asleep.

I think that your Dad might agree that I fall asleep before you, but as to date you are the only person, besides Poppy, who has not complained about my snoring.

Anyway, getting back to Christmas/New Years, you are traditionally snuggled in at Coral Springs Florida with your parents, Grandma and Pop-Pop. Cousins Logan and Evan, Aunt Dana, Uncle Ryan, your great Grandparent POP POP POP and Uncle Freddy. In addition you have Great Grandma Natalie, Great Grandpa Murray(who you say along with Pop Pop Pop is the only other person older than me!) And of course you now have the merry snowbirds Uncle Jerry and Aunt Sherry.

At this time of the year, I miss you very much. I am happy that you get to be with a wonderful extended family. I want that for you, but...I still miss you.

So my dear Jake, let me say Happy New Year to you and to all those who love you. I bask in the knowledge that when you step off the plane in Newark on Wednesday January 3, 2007, it will be Nana standing at Baggage claim with a big sign that says JAKE"S NANA. And tucked in the car that will drive you and your family home, will be an overnight bag with a nightgown. BECAUSE once I have you all hugged in my arms, I am not giving you up so fast. That is my Holiday secret.



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